Introvert or Extrovert Quiz
TypeMatch Introvert or Extrovert Quiz

Introvert or Extrovert Quiz Instructions
The TypeMatch quiz takes a look at introversion and extroversion using an MBTI (Myers Briggs) and Big 5 Aspects perspective. It does not conflate extroversion with being social and so does not have a need for the term “ambivert”. While extroversion/introversion does exist on a scale and very few people are on the polar ends, people do have a natural preference towards one or the other. From an MBTI perspective, this is shown in each personality type having either an extroverted (externally focused) or introverted (internally focused) dominant cognitive function.
The quiz has 17 questions and can be taken as many times as you like. Please do not start the quiz unless you are well-rested, fed, and free from distractions as these may affect the accuracy of your results.