ESTP Description
ESTPs love it when things are described accurately and realistically. That’s why we wrote the most accurate and realistic ESTP description out there!
ESTPs- The Realistic Alpha
The ESTP Mind
Often called “the ultimate realist”, ESTPs are action-oriented, objective, and logical. They have a reputation for being a “bad boy daredevil” type but prefer calculated risk, especially as they get older. What ESTPs love is to engage with the world and take every opportunity to learn and explore. They excel at taking things as they come and seizing opportunities, making them great entrepreneurs. The entrepreneurial lifestyle especially fits ESTPs because they’re all about personal freedom and do not like rules, restrictive plans, and policies that do not make sense to them. Rather than being stuck in a typical job, ESTPs prefer to build something on their own. They are driven to work in the present to manifest a future vision of success.
ESTPs take a systematic approach to problem-solving and want to understand how something works on a fundamental level. They have mathematical minds that can see the world in terms of formulas that are true and work across contexts. In their arguments, ESTPs follow a clear line of reasoning that gets to the core of the matter. They seek to remove the subject and be as objective as possible in order to find the truth. ESTPs are hyper pragmatic and don’t want to waste time when they can see simple solutions immediately in front of them.

The ESTP Experience
As a result of their pragmatism and direct way of approaching life- including people, ESTPs can sometimes rub people the wrong way. They are curious people who think nothing is too sacred to go uninvestigated and questioned. They are not afraid to discuss taboo topics for the sake of trying to understand them on a deeper level. That willingness to remove any feelings about a subject in order to understand it from an unbiased perspective gets ESTPs in trouble with more sensitive types.
ESTPs also run into trouble with authority as they frequently take a critical view of rules and regulations and treat authority figures as equals. If a rule does not make logical sense to the ESTP- as in it’s not achieving its purpose, the ESTP is likely to ignore or break the rule. They do this either for the sake of solving a problem quickly or to test the boundaries of authority. Both are necessary in the eyes of the ESTP and take precedence over any recourse. For the ESTP, their lack of trust in authority can spark fear in the future and conspiratorial beliefs. When the facts of a situation don’t line up logically, that leaves the ESTP to fill in the blanks that the authorities have bad intentions. So, they can be stubborn in their disobedience because they believe that people aren’t being told the real truth.
In the same way that ESTPs push the boundaries of authorities, they push the boundaries of their own lives. Goals propel them forward and they are energized by small wins along the way. Because ESTPs aren’t sure exactly where something will end up, they like to see how far they can go. They are not the types to sit around and let life come to them. When they want something, ESTPs like to take action as soon as possible to achieve it. However, the energy and drive they have behind what they want can sometimes lack proper planning which is something the ESTP must learn in order to be successful.
Overall, ESTPs prefer to spend their life doing and going for it rather than watching life pass them by. They tend to gather a lot of life experiences through which they develop insights and wisdom. ESTPs are not ones for reminiscing as they feel it is a waste of time- their most precious resource.

The ESTP Approach
ESTPs are extremely direct in their communication style. They cut to the chase and get frustrated when others do not do the same. They tell it like it is and say what they think but do so in a way that is charismatic and persuades others. Though they are forthright, they avoid being brash and mostly try to smooth over social situations- unless they get impatient which the ESTP frequently does. While ESTPs know how to be charming, they easily get bored and tired if the conversation is not moving forward to a point. If an ESTP is going to engage in hypotheticals, they prefer to narrow down to a definitive insight rather than keeping it open and talking around the thing instead of directly at it.
While ESTPs are technically extraverts, they are not the most social of the extraverts. They prefer to engage with the world around them rather than attend to social affairs. When they are with people, ESTPs can often take a dominant position in a group because they are so direct and forthright. They don’t necessarily seek leadership roles but find themselves taking charge when they are faced with situations where no one seems to want to make a decision to move things forward. People often flock to them because of their confident exterior and the sureness with which they carry themselves.

The ESTP Relationship
In romantic relationships, ESTPs take a similar approach in wanting to bring their partner along for the ride and engaging life together in a meaningful way. They push themselves and their partner to grow. ESTPs want to work towards a shared vision of the future with their partner and build something together. When presented with relationship issues, ESTPs go into problem-solving mode and want to identify the source of the issue and solve it as soon as possible. They love when their partner appreciates their logic and dynamic nature and allows them to be free to engage with the world as they choose. ESTPs hate to feel held back by anyone or anything. Though they are blunt, ESTPs are also extremely affectionate and generous to the ones they love. They tend to keep a very small circle of people that they are intensely loyal to and try to do their best for them.
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