ENTP Relationships
How ENTPs Flirt
ENTPs look at flirting as a fun way to explore possibilities with another person. It engages their mind in a way that energizes them. This is why ENTPs are often playful and charming. They like to see just how far they can take things with jokes and banter to test the other person’s limits. ENTPs love to try things out when flirting just to see how the other person will respond. So, if an ENTP is flirting with you, you can expect plenty of banter. You can also expect lots of mystery as ENTPs love to play with meaning and not make anything too obvious. They enjoy playing the coquette a bit by making you wonder if they really like you or not. They don’t like to spell things out for you. An ENTP would rather help you figure it out on your own and watching you try is fun for them.
ENTPs employ some of their greatest qualities to flirt- their wit and their charm. They love to use jokes, teasing, memes, and sarcasm to flirt but they also seem to know just the right thing to say to win you over. They may draw on metaphors to express their true feelings for you like comparing you to something beautiful. ENTPs also ask a lot of challenging questions to test your thought processes and as a way to study you. They are curious about people and want to dive into the depths of your mind to learn about you.

How to know if an ENTP likes you
The tricky part with ENTPs is that, just because they’re flirting with you, doesn’t necessarily mean that they are interested in dating you. ENTPs often flirt for sport, especially when they are younger. They enjoy going out and meeting someone that they know they’ll never see again and just seeing where the night takes them. However, as they mature, they look to settle down and find the right person. Then, they take their flirting and you more seriously. At that point, they will open up and be vulnerable to show that they’re really invested and care about the relationship. ENTPs find vulnerability very awkward and unnatural. As a result, they become less smooth and cavalier around someone they actually like.
Additionally, when an ENTP really likes you, they encourage you in your goals and try to motivate you. They see the potential in you and try to get you to see what’s possible for your life. They may brainstorm some great ideas for a project or business as a way of showing that they care about you and your happiness. So, they will become invested in your interests and projects as if they were their own. This is easier for them than showing that they care about you directly.
Finally, an ENTP shows that they really like you when they pay attention to your feelings and, as a last resort, tell you directly. If they are more sensitive and responsive to your feelings, you know they’ve got it bad for you. They may even let you win an argument. Also, ENTPs like to be coy and have a hard time expressing their feelings directly. But, if they have to, they will finally tell you directly how much you mean to them.

Dating an ENTP can be magical and fun but also challenging and frustrating. This type is notoriously hard to understand and hides themselves in shadows of mystery. It’s clear that dating the ENTP isn’t for the faint of heart. So, we’ve put together a guide to dating the ENTP with our top 19 pieces of practical advice. Click here to download our ENTP dating guide!

Dating The ENTP
When they are young, ENTPs are likely to engage in casual dating so that they can explore their options and try a lot of different things. This experience over time helps them figure out what they’re looking for and what type of person they want to settle down with. ENTPs have a difficult relationship with emotion. While they can identify and be empathetic to their partner’s feelings, they have a hard time knowing how they themselves really feel. As a result, they may even get into a relationship and be uncertain about their true feelings. While they tend to bounce around a lot when young, once they are ready to embrace settling down, ENTPs are extremely loyal.
ENTPs challenge your mind for the fun of debate and strengthening both their arguments and yours. Though it may seem strange, challenging your beliefs and arguing with you can be their way of helping you. They want to help you strengthen your arguments because this is a highly valuable skill to them.
For this reason, dating an ENTP can be difficult as they have a propensity to make people feel silly or stupid when tearing apart their beliefs and arguments. They don’t mean anything by it and are sometimes surprised when people take this personally. To some, they come off as arrogant or condescending. So, they must be with someone who does not have any insecurity in this area.
Further difficulties are that ENTPs are able to disconnect their feelings from their physical experience. This means that sex for them is often just purely physical. Also, ENTPs have a tendency to forget about time and not contact you when they’re in the midst of a new obsession or project.
However, if you are dating an ENTP, you can be sure you won’t be bored. They want to explore the world with you and they love to use dates to try new things together. They want to know that you’ll be up for a bit of spontaneous adventure. ENTPs don’t do things consistently but consistently bounce from thing to thing. Furthermore, they work hard to make you laugh and surprise you, making them one of the most exciting types to date.
Dating Apps
For ENTPs, dating apps can be fun as they’re able to meet a lot of new people and explore a lot of options. However, they quickly get bored as it is hard for someone to catch their interest and the apps don’t help with the ENTPs notoriously short attention span. They long for a genuine connection but not a lot of people can handle the full force of the ENTP and they’re often disappointed and bored on dates. Further, they have trouble narrowing down their options and figure out who is actually worth pursuing.
TypeMatch is designed with ENTPs in mind because it helps them find people who are compatible and breaks down a personality analysis of why they’re compatible. This way, the ENTP can logically analyze who they want to date. This way of dating is more genuine and fulfills the ENTPs need for diving deep into conversations with someone who naturally understands their mind. Try TypeMatch today by downloading the free app.
ENTP Approach To Relationships
ENTP relationships often start with them deciding to be in love with someone because it makes logical sense. They are unlikely to fall in love through an uncontrolled emotion. Rather, ENTPs truly fall in love through a slow process of using logic to continually think about it. They choose someone for the long term because it makes sense to be with them.
If an ENTP does jump into a relationship, it is because they are excited by a possibility and idea of it and not the reality of the relationship. In order to commit, they have to see that being with someone is not cutting off possibilities but opening up even better ones for them to explore. ENTPs have to see the relationship as an exciting new world to dive into and want see where it takes them.
ENTPs want a relationship based around growth. They need a lot of mental stimulation and engagement but don’t look to their partner to be the sole provider of it. However, their partner certainly needs to be able to “keep up” with them. For ENTP relationships, openness and honesty are key. They own up to their own mistakes and make efforts to improve. The true mark of comfort for them is being able to take off the mask they wear for the world. Sometimes, ENTPs don’t even know they’re wearing a mask. However, when they are really close with someone, that person is able to strip off their mask and see the core of the ENTP.
In a relationship, ENTPs show that they care by helping their partner achieve their goals. This is the power of their Ne hero- to enable others to achieve the impossible. ENTPs can be incredibly romantic when they feel safe doing so. They just have different ways of showing it. One way is to defend their partner in arguments with others. They gallantly turn their wit and debate skills on anyone that opposes their partner. This is their way of showing their loyalty which they value greatly as they mature. Ultimately, ENTPs care about understanding their partner and want to use their unique talents to have fun and make their partner happy.