16 Personalities Compatibility Chart
Find your personality type compatibility here
Use the clickable 16 personalities compatibility chart or choose two types here to find their compatibility.
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How the Compatibility Chart Works
Our 16 personalities compatibility chart shows which matches are most and least compatible according to your personality type. Click on each of the squares to learn about each relationship match. We are working on adding more information every day. So, check back daily to see if we have anything new for you. TypeMatch is the headquarters for personality and love. We have tons of additional resources for each personality type. First, if you’re not sure about which personality type you are, take our free personality quiz to find out. Also, we use this same compatibility information plus more in the TypeMatch app – a free dating app to find love and friendship based on personality type compatibility.
Can You Use Personality Type To Determine Compatibility?
Have you ever seen someone list their 16 personalities type on their dating profile? Turns out, that information is extremely useful to know if someone is a good match for you! Just finding your personality type and theirs can be a quick way to know if someone is a potential soul mate or another bad date. Personality type compatibility isn’t just for singles though. It’s even more important for people in a relationship to understand how their personality types interact- for better or worse. So, we built this clickable 16 personalities compatibility chart as your quick guide to finding a compatible match and understanding your relationship better.
Why knowing your type is useful
Your personality type is a short code that can tell you and others so much if you understand the meaning. The personality codes signify the lens you view the world through and how your mind processes information. That’s powerful stuff when it comes to self-knowledge and also for building healthy relationships. Finally, knowing more about your personality helps you communicate what’s important about who you really are to others.
What it feels like to be in a compatible relationship
When you meet someone that just always seems to be on the same page as you, it’s likely because you have compatible personality types. Some people call it vibing, but we call it compatibility. When your personalities align, your minds naturally understand each other. So, you’re able to make each other feel seen and loved for who you really are. Likewise, we all know what it’s like to feel misunderstood. If you’ve ever felt alone in a room full of people, it’s likely because you weren’t around compatible minds. Find out what types your personality is most compatible with above in our clickable 16 personalities compatibility chart!

Our personality compatibility theory
TypeMatch’s compatibility scores are based on a deep analysis of how two personality types interact. We do not match based on shallow descriptions and stereotypes. Rather, we take a deep look into the cognitive preferences of the personality types. We reference the most well researched and reliable source material for how different personality types interact in a relationship. Thus, we are backed by real-world observations and data. Additionally, we consider five key features of compatibility- attraction, communication, friendship, partnership, and passion. Through this analysis, we can accurately predict the health and success of a relationship and what the strengths and weaknesses of the relationship. That’s why our 16 personalities compatibility chart is the most trusted and popular in the world.
There is no perfect match
Overall, no perfect match exists in the TypeMatch system. We don’t assign any pair a 100% score. Even if a pair is highly compatible, it doesn’t mean that they’ll live happily ever after or even be attracted to each other. Not every INTJ is the same or equally compatible with you. Also, no matter what the pair, relationships tend to bring out people’s demons. Unfortunately, any unprocessed trauma is often projected onto your partner. No amount of compatibility can fix that. Basically, compatibility and understanding of each other’s personality types can certainly get you far, but soul-mate level love doesn’t come without self-work.
Are low compatibility relationships doomed?
If your relationship is listed as low in our 16 personalities compatibility chart, don’t rush to break up. Compatibility is highly complex and personality type is just one factor. In our article- the 9 soulmate factors– we detail other elements that are important to a compatible and healthy relationship. Even personality type isn’t a complete picture of personality. For example, you may be compatible in the five-factor model of personality. More importantly, understanding each other’s personality types can greatly improve communication and decrease conflict in a relationship. By knowing how your partner views the world, you can be more empathetic to their perspective and help them to feel seen and loved. Low compatibility pairs naturally take more work but also offer a great opportunity for growth for those willing to learn their partner.
Where to find a compatible relationship
Now that you’ve checked out our compatibility chart and know who you’re compatible with, you’re ready to find your match! We’ve made it easy to find and meet people who are compatible with your personality type on TypeMatch, our free dating app that uses multiple personality type measures.
The app is available worldwide on Android and iOS. Connect with someone down the street or across the world who naturally understands the way your mind works. Get a relationship where you feel loved for who you are and download TypeMatch!